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J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisitions

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This scathing documentary chronicles the career of J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI for more than 40 years. His lifelong obsession with communists that began with the "Red Scare" of the early 1920s and manifested itself into a mission hell-bent on eradicating anyone suspected of engaging in anti-American activities, be they actors, politicians or protest groups.
Item # 9064
This scathing documentary chronicles the career of J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI for more than 40 years. His lifelong obsession with communists that began with the "Red Scare" of the early 1920s and manifested itself into a mission hell-bent on eradicating anyone suspected of engaging in anti-American activities, be they actors, politicians or protest groups.

A masterful propagandist, Hoover took every opportunity given him to create a public atmosphere of outsider paranoia - and his fears ran deep. By the time of his death in 1972, Hoover's FBI had compiled thousands of individual secret files and completed countless illegal operations.

- A comprehensive look at the most feared man in the FBI
- A history of the Red Scare and the hunt for American communists
- Tons of archival photos, film clips and newsreel footage
- Genre: History
- Format: DVD
- Color and Black and White
- Approximately 93 minutes
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Left Oriented
I found the video to have a left wing perspective. It barely glosses over Hoover's accomplishments and focuses upon his anti-communist activities. Not good history.
From: RUSSELL | Date: 3/30/2020 11:00 PM

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Click to read about our staffHe was called the most feared man in the FBI, but really, J. Edgar Hoover was the most feared man in the country. Over a career that lasted 48 years, Hoover was instrumental in creating the modern Federal Bureau of Investigation, and amassed so much power, even presidents were afraid of him.

He targeted organized crime, civil rights leaders, social revolutionaries, homosexuals, subversives and radicals, but probably his greatest legacy was his war on American communists. This DVD will give you a close up look at the so-called 'Red Scare' and the extreme lengths Hoover and the FBI took to fight it.

Dirty Tricks and Intimidation

Blackmail, extortion, intimidation, surveillance and black lists were just a few of the tactics Hoover used in his covert 'dirty tricks' program. Many of these tactics were illegal, but that didn't stop him from building thousands of files on suspected communists that ruined hundreds of reputations and even led to 2 of the most famous and controversial executions in U.S. history.

You might think it is some kind of dystopian, alternative history of America, but this really happened, and you will never look at America and the FBI the same way again.

- A comprehensive look at the most feared man in the FBI
- A history of the Red Scare and the hunt for American communists
- Tons of archival photos, film clips and newsreel footage
- Genre: History
- Format: DVD
- Color and Black and White
- Approximately 93 minutes


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