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Manual Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer

Compare At:  $19.99 
Not only does this nose and ear hair trimmer not take batteries or power cords, it's BETTER than automatic trimmers!
Item # 8532
Not only does this nose and ear hair trimmer not take batteries or power cords, it's BETTER than automatic trimmers!

An automatic trimmer can only go as fast as it is programmed to go, as fast as the motor can efficiently cut hair and not run out of battery too fast.

With this manual version, the trimmer blade spins as fast as you can squeeze the button, and the faster it spins, the smoother the cut. This means less snags and pulling! Squeezing the button is no chore, either. Just a couple squeezes will do; it does the work for you!

Because it doesn't require a power source, this trimmer is perfect for travel, so be sure to keep one in your toiletries kit.

Features and Benefits:
- Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer
- Manually Operated, No Batteries or Cords
- Squeeze Button to Spin Rotor
- Smooth Cutting With No Snags or Pulling
- Perfect for Travel or At Home Use
- Includes Cap and Cleaning Brush
- Just Rinse With Water to Clean
- Sleek Black and Chrome Finish

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fell apart
Fell apart the second time I took the cover off the blade.
From: ROBERT | Date: 12/24/2018 10:00 PM

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